Victor cybersecurity

信息安全技术文章汇总 | 20180430

  1. Security Vulnerabilities in VingCard Electronic Locks
  2. 内网漫游:通过RDP劫持向远程系统执行任意代码
  3. 揭开神秘的面纱:CCleaner APT事件调查
  4. C#勒索软件可在运行时编译
  5. 黑客可利用PDF文件盗取Windows凭据
  6. SecWiki News 2018-04-30 Review
  7. This Month In 4n6 – April – 2018
  8. JIS-CTF靶机+Kioptrix靶机渗透
  9. 一系列用于Fuzzing学习的资源汇总
  10. 看我如何用漏洞组合拳给小萝莉刷票
  11. Pwn with File结构体之利用 vtable 进行 ROP
  12. House of Roman 实战
  13. 代码审计 | ThinkPHP3.x、5.x框架任意文件包含
  14. Another approach to webapplication fingerprinting
  15. The Catch 22 of Base64: Attacker Dilemma from a Defender Point of View
  16. Getting started with Terraform and Cloudflare (Part 2 of 2)
  17. How I was able to bypass firewall to get RCE and then went from server shell to get root user account!
  18. How I found 2.9 RCE at Yahoo! Bug Bounty program
  19. Reversing and Patching .NET Binaries with Embedded References
  20. FacexWorm Targets Cryptocurrency Trading Platforms, Abuses Facebook Messenger for Propagation
  21. printf(“Hello World!”) Part 2

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